
Hi Notioner! Thank you for give a chance to my Finance template, now as you read the tutorial sation feel free to change color, image and icons.







Hi dear soul! Here the tutorial section for guide you step by step to the Finance automa.

  1. Set your accounts (you will found some Examaple): you need to put your current “starting balance” in your financial deposit and if there is more than one add by “+New” a new column below. For the rest you don't have to touch anything else in the accounts collumn. The calculation of income and expenses is done automatically when entered.

  2. Set your budgets: As you see, there are few of the most common busdgets “categories” alredy sign, of course you can change it as plasure. As you enter your “monthly budgets” the program will calculate how mutch you have for that categories and how mutch you have paid. You will also be shown in percentage how much you have left of that budget, this function can be deactivated by hiding it but I recommend keeping it.

  3. Expenses: Now you can sign how mutch did you spend. Firts thing give a “name” like Ex.Groceries, the “date” you have done this paymant, the “amount” of money, the budget “categories” and from which account you have take it the money.

  4. Icome: Work as the same way of Expenses, but here you don’t have the “Categories” budgets sections.

As you play a little with the system you can notice that all your income and expenses will instantly be calculate, so now you can easly keep track of your money flow! I suggest a little more things, if you can sign every day your moeny movement give it to your self a our or two for week for update your Finance page.
